Outcome of our Rent Consultation
Published: 09/02/15
Abertay’s Management Committee decided in December 2014 to consult its tenants on rent increase options for the Financial Year 15/16. Three options were proposed for tenants to consider:
- Option 1 – 2.3% average increase. Which will help deliver a £4.5m planned maintenance programme for 2015/16 and continue work to improve energy efficiency of homes.
- Option 2 – 2.8% average increase. As above but also install peepholes to around 400 homes.
- Option 3 – 3.3% average increase. Same as options 1 and 2 but also carry out further security work such as external security lighting.
The majority of tenants who responded (65%) felt that the lowest rise of 2.3% was the best option. Further detailed information can be found in the report to Management Committee (see attachment)
The winner of our rent consultation Prize Draw was Mr Hoskins from Fintry. Many thanks to all those tenants who responded.