About Us

Abertay Housing Association
was formed by a Large Scale Voluntary Transfer when the Scottish Homes houses in Dundee were bought in 1997. Abertay is registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator (HAL 297), is a Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 number 2517 R(S), is a registered Scottish Charity number SC030152 and is a Registered Property Factor, number PF000206. The way Abertay operates is governed by a set of Rules. This short video explains what we do.
Abertay aims to enhance the quality of life in our communities.
Our purpose is to provide social housing to people in housing need. In addition, we are involved in various wider role activities.
We have around 1,875 houses in Dundee and surrounding areas, including around 238 retirement housing properties which are situated at six complexes across the city. We provide a factoring service for over 2,000 properties purchased from Abertay or its predecessors.
Every year, we produce an Internal Management Plan which sets out our current key objectives.
Abertay’s governing body is its Board and they are responsible for the conduct of the Association’s affairs, setting its policies, controlling its finances and employing staff. The Board meets most months and has a maximum of 15 Board Members comprising at least 2 tenants, at least 2 service users (owners) and up to 11 from any membership category.
We value complaints and aim to learn from them. We produce complaints reports annually:
Abertay is a member of the following organisations:
- Employers in Voluntary Housing provides support to not for profit and voluntary organisations in all aspects of their employer role. The majority of their members are housing associations.
- Scotland’s Housing Network, which is a consortium of local authority and Housing Association landlords working together to drive up performance.
- Scottish Federation of Housing Associations who are the voice and membership body for housing associations and co-operatives in Scotland.