
The Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires RSLs of Abertay’s size to publish a procurement strategy setting out how our procurement will deliver value for money and how we will comply with the sustainable procurement duty. Abertay’s current strategy is here.

We also are required to produce an annual report on procurement activity. The report covering the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 is available here.

Abertay’s key contractors are currently:

  • QAPM – Reactive and Void Maintenance
  • WRB Gas – Gas servicing, smoke and CO detector testing and repair
  • T&N Gilmartin – Open Space Maintenance (Fintry)
  • Landscape Logistics – Open Space Maintenance (outwith Fintry)
  • Andrew Shepherd Construction – External Works

Our current contracts are set out here.

Our current list of suppliers we have spent over £10,000 with over the last 2 years is here.

Abertay takes advantage of framework agreements negotiated by the Scottish Government which it can access in relation to some postage services and the purchase of stationery.

Information and guidance for potential suppliers is available here.