Abertay Housing Association’s Governing Body Decides to Freeze Rents
At their Committee Meeting on Wednesday 25 November 2020 Abertay Housing Association’s Management Committee, in its capacity as the Association’s governing body, unanimously decided that the Association will not be applying a rent increase this coming financial year. Therefore, tenants will not be subject to a rent increase on 1 April 2021.
The Management Committee also decided to freeze Retirement Housing Service Charges and Owners’ Management Fees.
Gordon Edwards, Interim Chair of Abertay Housing Association, said:
“In reaching our decision the Management Committee were obviously very mindful of the truly unprecedented serious health and financial implications the coronavirus pandemic has presented to the world. The Management Committee were also very mindful that the full financial impact of the pandemic has yet to be felt and that next year will be another very difficult year. The Association is absolutely committed and determined to assist its residents throughout the pandemic in every reasonable way possible.”
Barry Moore, Chief Executive of Abertay Housing Association, said:
“The coronavirus pandemic has brought nothing but misery to the world. The pandemic has inflicted serious direct and indirect harm on the health and wellbeing of people and as a consequence burdened the NHS like never before in its history; as it has done with other health related organisations and organisations providing essential services.
The financial implications associated with pandemic are also having a significant impact on people and this will continue to be the case for a long time to come.
The Management Committee Members were unanimous in their decision and were of the view that this is absolutely the right thing to do in these truly unprecedented and truly exceptional times.”