This year’s conference was held on Wednesday 20th April at the Landmark Hotel.
The day was enjoyed by over 100 Abertay residents and the highlights included a presentation from Lesley Ferguson our Corporate Services Director on the subject of “where your money goes”. This was followed by two workshop sessions held by Raymond Lynch from Dundee City Council Trading Standards and Susan Gunn from Celebrate Age Network.
A very enjoyable lunch was then followed by a presentation on the new V&A from Professor Nicholas Terry, Acting Principal of Abertay University and to round the day off, Isabelle Barr (Scheme Manager at Dryburgh Gardens) entertained the audience with musical bingo.
Many thanks go to McGill Electrical for donating all of the prizes and to DEEAP, Tayside Fire & Rescue, the Community Safety Team and Julie Rain (Savings & Loan Officer) for providing the information on the exhibitor stands.