AGM 17 September 2019
Abertay’s 23rd Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 17 September 2019 in Fintry Parish Church at 6.30 pm.
As in previous years, there will be a report from our Chairperson, along with the presentation of our Annual Accounts. There will also be an opportunity to meet Abertay’s new Chief Executive, Barry Moore. All Members will have the opportunity to vote. As we are a tenant led organisation, we would like more tenants on our Management Committee. If you are interested in becoming a Member, or would like to come along to one of our Management Committee meetings as an observer, then please contact our Chief Executive, Barry Moore.
Thereafter, there will be entertainment from singer, Lynne McTaggart.
The evening will finish with the renowned buffet, very generously made for us by the ladies of Fintry Parish Church.
All in all we look forward to a very enjoyable evening and we do hope to see you there!