Equalities Data Collection Form
Calling all Abertay Housing Association tenants… very shortly you will be receiving our Equality Data Collection Form in the post to complete and return.
Why are we asking for equality information?
We collect equality information to help us plan and deliver effective services and to meet our legal and regulatory obligations.
What do we do with equality information?
We use equality information for a range of purposes, including to help us to:
• Protect and promote your rights and interests
• Promote equality objectives across our services
• Identify and address our customers’ needs and improve our services;
• Identify and eliminate any form of discrimination; and
• Provide anonymised statistics to the Scottish Housing Regulator if required. (You cannot be identified from the statistics.)
There will be a variety of options available to complete the form, these options will be provided very soon – keep checking our Facebook page and website for further details.
This form will be sent to all tenants (including joint tenants). Should you have any queries in relation to this please do not hesitate to get in touch with Clare on (01382) 903545.