Outcome of Rent Consultation 2020
Abertay’s Management Committee decided in November 2019 to consult its tenants on a proposed rent increase of 2.5% from 1 April 2020. Tenants were given the opportunity to have their say either on-line, by text or by returning the freepost postcard. The total number of responses received was 153 which accounts for 8.7% of the total number of tenants surveyed.
The majority of responders (82) agreed to the rent increase. This was 54% of the responders. A sizeable minority of tenants 46% (71) responders disagreed with the increase and some gave their reasons for not agreeing. These responses are currently being analysed and will be responded to in due course. Click here to view the full report to Committee.
The lucky winners of our Rent Consultation Prize Draw of a £50 voucher of their choice were:
Ms McOmish from Fintry
Mr Curran from Forfar
Mr McDermott from Fintry
Many thanks to all those tenants who responded to our rent consultation.