Press release – Dryburgh Gardens
Abertay Housing Association is delighted to announce that local contractor, McGill’s, have been appointed to undertake a £3.5m project of extensive planned improvement works at Dryburgh Gardens. Works will include new kitchens, bathrooms, windows, internal insulation and heating for 83 tenants plus a range of external and communal works to improve security & access for both tenants and owners.
Tenants are to be temporarily decanted on a rolling basis. They are to be supported by dedicated Tenant Liaison Officers from both Abertay and McGill’s who will assist in organising removals and storage. Works are scheduled to start in May/June 2013 and finish by the end of March 2014.
Bob Sander, Operations Director for Abertay Housing Association said, “We are delighted to have secured substantial eco funding for this project; the largest Abertay Housing Association has ever delivered, so that our tenants benefit from homes that meet the Scottish Quality Homes Standard (SQHS), and importantly, are easy and affordable to keep warm”.