Retirement Housing Conference 2019
Abertay’s Retirement Housing Conference was presented at the Queens Hotel on 31 October 2019, providing our tenants from the 7 retirement complexes an opportunity to come together for the day.
Barry Moore, Chief Executive, started off the day’s proceedings by explaining that the conference is part of the initial stages of the Association’s Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Strategy. Barry went on to explain that the Association is about to embark on its Tenant Satisfaction Survey and it is important that tenants participate in the survey as it is an important aspect of the Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Strategy.
Barry’s introduction was followed by various speakers from Abertay Housing Association, as well as Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service. This involved discussions on a whole range of issues offering advice and guidance, as well as planned developments and looking to the future of Abertay Housing.
This also gave Abertay an opportunity to recognise and reward some of the great work taking place in each of the complexes. The Recognition Awards were given to those who were voted for by the tenants from each complex. The conference was closed with a free prize raffle and a goody bag!
The day proved successful and the feedback from the tenants was very positive. Let the planning commence for the next one…