Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2016
Abertay is currently undertaking a tenant satisfaction survey. If you are a tenant, please take the time to complete the survey, which you will receive through the post. If you prefer to complete it on line, it is available here. Surveys should be completed by Friday 24 June. We are interested to hear your views on the services you receive from Abertay. The aim of the survey is to gauge your level of satisfaction with our services, understand your priorities, and identify areas where improvements can be made.
You or your partner / spouse / joint tenant should complete the survey on behalf of your household.
All completed surveys will be entered into a prize draw for a £50 voucher of your choice. You do not have to provide your contact details. You can remain anonymous if you wish, but if you do, we will not be able to enter you in the prize draw.
All of the information collected through the survey will be treated as strictly confidential.
We will be carrying out an owner satisfaction survey later in the summer, so owners will have the opportunity to make their views known at that point.
Thank you for your feedback.