Anti-Social Behaviour

Everyone has a different idea of what anti-social behaviour means. It can range from playing loud music to racial and other forms of harassment, including threatening behaviour, acts of violence or abuse.
Our zero tolerance approach
We are committed to ensuring you can enjoy a quiet and peaceful life in your home. We will not tolerate residents being abused, harassed or subjected to noise, nuisance or other anti-social behaviour from those around them.
What to do if you have a problem
If you feel your neighbour is acting unreasonably towards you, it may help to speak to them about the problem. You may be surprised to find they are unaware they are disturbing you. Talking to each other can clear up misunderstandings and often problems can be resolved in this way. However if you feel it may lead to conflict then please contact Abertay.
Please be aware that if the neighbour causing anti-social behaviour is an owner or is a tenant of another landlord then you should contact Dundee City Council’s Anti-social Behaviour Team on Tel No. 01382 307366 / 0800 1693845 to complain.
Our leaflet explains the procedure we will follow when responding to a complaint.
Contacting Abertay
We take all complaints seriously and act swiftly to resolve problems at an early stage. If you would like to report anti-social behaviour please contact Abertay. You can do this in a number of ways:
- Verbally to a member of staff
- By phone to the Customer Service Team, Retirement Housing Co-ordinator or Housing Officer
- In writing to 147 Fintry Drive or email customerservice@abertayha.co.uk
- On-line via the form at the bottom of this page
- Or through a third party e.g. health visitor, police.
- Through My Home (Tenants Only)
What Abertay will do
Your complaint will be acknowledged or responded to within 3 or 5 working days depending on the Category it is placed in. Our Categories are:
Category A – Serious / Extreme
- Racial harassment
- Domestic abuse
- Serious or extreme / threatening behaviour
- Drugs and / or violence and / or damage to the property.
Category B – Noise / Nuisance
- Noise complaints
- Nuisance complaints
- Pets
- Other tenancy breaches.
Category C – Estate Management
Includes Estate Management issues such as:
- Dumped furniture / mattress etc.
- Dirty Close
- Dog fouling
- Vandalism
- Overgrown garden
Category A will be acknowledged or responded to within 3 working days.
Categories B and C will be acknowledged or responded to within 5 working days.
For reports of Estate Management issues, such as dumped items in common areas, vandalism, dirty closes, overgrown gardens etc. where you do not know who is the perpetrator please contact our Customer Service Team on 01382 903545 or alternatively email us at customerservice@abertayha.co.uk.
Please complete the form below and send it to us. We will get back to you.