Repairs and Maintenance

The repairs we will undertake and the target timescales are set out in your Statement of Factoring Services.
We carry out repair work to the common areas of factored blocks. Your house is in a factored block if it is in a multi-storey, tenement block or 4 in a block, where Abertay still owns at least one property in the block.
There are three main types of repair work that we carry out to the common areas of the factored blocks:
- Reactive Maintenance – General day to day repairs e.g. replacing close light bulbs, repairing close door entries etc.
- Planned Maintenance – These repairs are more major in nature – e.g. exterior painting, replacing windows or roofs etc.
- Emergencies – Where Abertay considers that any repair, renewal or maintenance work is required as a matter of urgency.
If your share of the cost of any item of work is likely to exceed £125 (increasing to £130 from 1 April 2025), we will advise you in advance of instructing the work, unless it is an emergency. We will not contact you in advance of work being carried out if it is unlikely to exceed £125 (increasing to £130 from 1 April 2025). If your share of the cost of any item of work is likely to exceed £660 (increasing to £675 from 1 April 2025), we will obtain consent from the required majority of owners before proceeding with the work. These limits will increase every April by inflation as measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) at the previous December, rounded to the nearest £5. We consulted with owners on these limits in February and March 2015. Some owners rejected the increase from the previous limits, and for their properties, the limit to inform remains at £50 and the limit for consent remains at £250.
To report a repair, click here.
In an out of hours emergency, please telephone the main office number (01382 903545) and you will be given further instructions.
If you are eligible to apply for a grant from Dundee City Council please click here