Tenant Involvement

I am John, your Tenant Involvement Officer, my role is to ensure our tenants and residents are at the heart of everything we do.
We see tenant and resident participation as an essential part of social housing. What this means for you is that we will work hard to provide you with a range of opportunities to have your say about how our housing services are delivered. This being a two way process where we value the engagement and recognise it as a vital component to improving the service we deliver to you. We value your ideas and input and I look forward to meeting / working with you all in the near future.
We are always looking for volunteers to join us and have their voice heard. Involving our tenants and residents is a way for us to find out what is important to you and what you would like to see from us in the future. It is a chance to find out what we do and to give us ideas on how we can improve. Our tenants and residents bring a wealth of skills, experience and ideas that can help us work in new ways, shape our services and review our performance. We want to listen to your voices and learn from your feedback so our services are the best they can be.
The Association offers flexible ways to get involved. It can be at a time that suits your lifestyle and commitments. You can be involved in as much or as little as you like, something for everyone!
Why get involved?
• You care about improving your community
• To learn and share best practice to take back to your communities
• Make positive change to the services you receive from the Association
• To have your voice heard
We want to work with our tenants to help improve services, strengthen our communities and create places everyone can be proud of.
The Association will actively encourage and support residents to get involved; individuals can participate at any level.
A Register of Interested Residents. If you do not want to be involved in a group but still want to be active in Abertay’s service provision, you can join our Register of Interested Residents. You will be contacted as part of consultation on policies and invited to various events. Participation is voluntary and confidential.
There are a number of ways interested tenants and residents can be involved, these can include any or all of the following:
- Satisfaction Surveys – We will phone, write or email you to enquire about your satisfaction with a recent service you may have received.
- Local Tenant / Focus Groups – Residents and Abertay staff work together to safeguard and promote the interests of residents in their area on matters concerning housing, the environment and their community. Our Retirement Housing Focus Group works closely with us on the transition to Retirement Housing. These groups help to identify where we are doing things right or where we are going wrong, and influence change.
- Resident Walkabouts – Residents can attend walkabouts with Abertay staff and will help record issues and identify solutions. These will be publicised on the Abertay website and in the reception area.
- Armchair membership – This gives tenants / residents the opportunity to be consulted and informed. They have the ability to give views on the housing service or review our handbooks or policies etc. in the comfort of their own home and without the need to travel to venues / meetings.
Do you think you could get involved in any of the above? If so please contact our Customer Services Team, on 01382 903545 or email us at queries@abertayha.co.uk Please indicate which area you are interested in.
In addition, all tenants and owner occupiers are eligible to become members of Abertay at a cost of £1 for life membership. Members can stand for, and vote in, elections for the Board and are invited to attend the AGM. For more information about the Board or Association Membership please contact Barry Moore the Chief Executive on 01382 903545.
To apply to become a shareholding member of Abertay, download the application form here.
The Scottish Housing Regulator is looking for people to join a national panel of tenants and service users, which will help to improve social landlords’ services throughout Scotland. Details of how to get involved are here.