Door Bells

We are receiving requests from residents considering installation of a video doorbell. This is to advise you of the data protection and privacy rules relating to their use.
If you configure your video doorbell so it only captures images within the boundary of your property and sound recording is disabled, then you are exempt from complying with data protection law.
But if it captures images of individuals outside that boundary, such as your neighbours’ homes or gardens, shared spaces or a public footpath or street, or records sound (even sounds inside the boundary) then your use of the video doorbell must comply with data protection law. You will be regarded as a “controller” and will need to comply with data protection law when using your video doorbell. This means that individuals who are concerned about your use of the video doorbell could ask for access to images, footage containing their images and sound recordings and make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) about you. You would also need to put appropriate signage in place.
The ICO can issue fines against those who abuse individuals’ rights.
We recommend you use video doorbells responsibly in a way that respects the privacy of others.
Respecting the rights of the individuals whose images you capture includes not sharing footage with others and / or posting it to social media.
Residents should seek permission from the Association prior to installation.
If we receive complaints about your use of video doorbells, we will direct any complainers to the Police and / or the ICO. We will also recommend complainers seek independent legal advice about their rights.
We will not be involved in complaints, as this is a matter between you and the complainer.