Housing Management

Housing Officers
If you have any queries in relation to your tenancy, please contact your Housing Officer by phoning the office on 01382 903545 or by e mail queries@abertay.co.uk
Our Housing Officers operate on an area based approach. This means that different members of staff cover different locations, but all should be able to provide the same information or advice to tenants and residents.
If you know which Housing Officer covers your area, you can use their contact details below. Otherwise the map will help you identify your Housing Officer.
Strategic Agreements
We have Strategic Agreements with the following Organisations:
Police Scotland
Scottish Fire and Rescue
One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS)
Dundee City Council, in relation to:
- Common Housing Register
- Anti-Social Behaviour
- Housing Benefit
- Social Work Dept (Occupational Therapy, Adult concern, Child Protection, supported housing and tenancy support).
We also have agreements with the following organisations for the provision of Supported Housing:
Action for Children
Carr Gomm
Women’s Aid
Turning Point
Tenancy Sustainment
We can provide support or signpost you to relevant support in the following areas:
- Benefits advice and assistance
- Income maximisation
- Managing your rent account
- If you have fuel/energy bill issues
- Information on an affordable House Contents Insurance
- Your safety and security