Scottish Social Housing Charter

What is this?
The Scottish Social Housing Charter sets the standards and outcomes that all social landlords should aim to achieve when performing their housing activities.
Scottish Ministers conducted a long consultation with tenants, residents, social landlords, homeless people, the Scottish Housing Regulator and other stakeholders before submitting the Charter to the Scottish Government for approval.
The Charter originally came into effect on 1 April 2012. The current version was approved by the Scottish Government on 5 October 2022 and came into effect on 1 November 2022. It replaces previous performance standards but does not replace any of the legal duties that apply to social landlords.
The Charter will help to improve the quality and value of services that social landlords provide for their tenants and other customers.
It will achieve this by:
- Providing tenants and other customers with a clear statement of what they can expect from Abertay Housing Association in terms of the Housing service it delivers.
- Concentrating the Association’s efforts on achieving the outcomes that matter to tenants and other customers.
- Forming the basis of the way the performance of our Housing service is assessed by the Scottish Housing Regulator. This assessment will help us to identify areas of good performance and also areas that need improved.
The Scottish Housing Regulator’s reports will also help ensure that public investment in new social housing is only allocated to landlords that are assessed to be performing well.
You can look at our performance compared to other social landlords or local authority at the Scottish Housing Regulator website.
A copy of the Charter is available here.