
Helping Our People Engage

The Hope service is a free service for anyone 16 years and above living in the Dundee area. Initially the service was aimed at those above 55 years old but this year we have been approved to drop the age limit down to 16 years and above so we can help the wider community.

The service is a collaboration between Hillcrest Homes and Caledonia Housing Association and is fully funded by Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership.

HOPE can also work with those that own their homes and those that have tenancies with other Landlords.

The aim of the Service is to provide advice and information to people living in the community that helps them manage and maintain their health and wellbeing and seeks to reduce feelings of loneliness and social isolation. HOPE understands that for some people accessing the help they need can be difficult, especially if they do not know what is available, so this is where HOPE can help by using the knowledge of the Community Engagement Workers. This includes providing information on activities throughout Dundee and making referrals to services that support any ongoing need when necessary. HOPE has two Community Engagement Workers and can be contacted directly on the contact details below.

The workers will initially discuss your needs over the phone and if you feel a home visit is required, they can arrange this also.

Examples of areas that HOPE has helped clients with are – home helps, mobile hairdressers, day care, clubs, befriending, meal services, blue badges and transport for the over 65s along with benefit and housing advice.

Click here for more information.


Get in touch

If you think the Hope project might be able to help you, we’d love to hear from you.  You can reach us using the following details:

07710 709853 or email

07452916337 or email